
해외韓人지도자에게 KIVA 소개
  • Overseas KIVA Membership
    Invitation Letter

    We invite CEOs who want to make a Unicorn or Decacon company, Korean International Volunteer Association (KIVA), seeks to promote diplomatic volunteer activities (DVA) that help economic and social development in countries around the world, especially developing countries, Participating CEOs will systematically and continuously carry out DVA as Korean Supporters.

In the last for 80 years, the Republic of Korea has grown into one of the world's top 10 economic powers and stood in line a member of the G7. So, KIVA wants to share with the world the tradition, culture, experience, and community spirit of Humanitarian Ideal that have served as the basis for Korea's rapid development.

Now, in order to help the economic and social development of countries around the world, KIVA is going to establish on-site activity organizations in the name of Diplomatic Volunteer Organizations (DVO) in 8 metropolitan cities and 9 provinces and 30 overseas cities

The KIVA is an incorporated association for the purpose of public diplomacy activities approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea in 2011. The legal basis for its activities is the 「Public Diplomacy Act」 and the 「Framework Act on International Development Cooperation」.

As Korean Supporters, Participating CEO supports for one foreign embassy in Korea (FEK). Members organize groups for each country they support, and carry out diplomatic volunteer activities as Korean supporters in units of those groups.

The activity methods are guest guide services requested by FEK , culture and tourism information and guide service in international events held in Korea, and cheer activities for international competitions held in Korea.

Since CEOs can build a global network through overseas KIVA members, FEK staffs and guided foreigners, it is easy to build a worldwide buyer and sales network in foreign countries at a low cost. A very robust and reliable pan Kor-World network can be established.

Moreover, participating CEOs can build good relationships with provincial governors and metropolitan city mayors. Because Governors and city mayors and county heads are required to carry out public diplomacy activities according to the above two laws, they need civilian partners. KIVA members can act as civilian partners.

As well as the Korean Government can also strengthen its support base in the international community, such as the UN, through the diplomatic volunteer activities of KIVA.

KIVA membership company is certified as KIVC (Korean International Volunteer Corporate) by KIVA. The KIVC mark may be affixed to all publications and products produced by member company.

When passing on a company to a son or daughter, it is stipulated that the position of the DVO can also be passed on. will greatly promote the globalization of the son or daughter.

In addition, there will be many opportunities to receive commendations and medals from the Korean government and governors, mayors and many opportunities to meet and communicate Korean celebrities.

We ask CEOs to actively join the KIVA which will be of great help to growing company. Thank you.

Necessity for CEOs to sign up for KIVA membership

Promote business and products on homepage for member introduction (www.kivamember.kr, scheduled in the near future)

Produced in two languages, English and Korean, globally searchable

Close convergence and exchange among 2,600 members from 17 metropolitan cities and provinces nationwide

Facilitate transactions between members about products, technologies, and investments

Worldwide communication and exchange through support group activities at 110 resident embassies

Worldwide Communication and exchange with foreign visitors guided by Korean Supporters

It is expected that 2,000 to 3,000 people will be guided in Korea every year.

Worldwide communication and exchanges with members in overseas KIVA branches. members.

Approximately 4,000 people from 30 overseas branches (New York, LA, Paris, etc.)

Strongly connected with Korea's provincial governors and mayors

Provincial governors/mayors, county heads will cooperate with overseas members to promote business activities of jurisdictional companies and support overseas marketing.

The DVO branch heads attend the KIVA Summit Conference as an executive bimonthly

Necessity of civilian partners of provincial governors and metropolitan mayors.

rovincial governors, mayors, and county heads are required to conduct public diplomacy programs in accordance with the 「Public Diplomacy Act」 and ODA projects in developing countries in accordance with the 「Framework Act on International Development Cooperation」.

To smoothly carry out International exchange projects of local governments and ODA projects for developing countries, civilian cooperative organizations are desperately needed.

If KIVA's DVOs play civilian organizations in connecting and cooperating between local governments and 110 foreign embassies, local governments can promote smoothly public diplomacy programs and ODA projects.

When provincial governors and metropolitan mayors go abroad to carry out marketing activities for products in the jurisdiction, with direct cooperation from foreign governments, they can successfully conduct overseas marketing.

DVOs can also hold global youth camps with foreign peers and youth UN general meetings as part of public diplomacy programs.

Benefits of becoming a KIVA overseas member

The highest level of dignity, pride and self-esteem as a member of KIVA, Korea's representative 「in Korea」 diplomatic volunteer organization.

KIVA 2,600 Korea members and 4,000 overseas members are connected to each other to establish a powerful Pan Kor-World business foundation

17 metropolitan governments in Korea and 30 major overseas cities

Networking and friendship with Korean governors and mayors (especially hometown county heads)

Building friendly relations with the Korean central government.

Opportunities for medals and commendations from the government of the Republic of Korea;
Opportunities to meet government officials and celebrities
Opportunities to meet ministers at 「Summit Conferance」 held every two months

Reputation as a Korean leader in that countries where overseas members live.

Confident attitude towards the government and people of that country
Dignified attitude towards Korean diplomats in that country

KIVA membership company is certified as KIVC (Korean International Volunteer Corporate) by KIVA.
The KIVC mark may be affixed to all publications and products produced by member company.

Resident embassies (115 countries) in Korea
Continental name Name of Foreign Embassy in Korea
Northeast Asia (3 countries) Mongolia, Japan, China
Southeast Asia (11 countries) East Timor, Laos, Malaysia, Union of Myanmar, Vietnam, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines
Southwest Asia Pacific
(11 countries)
Nepal, New Zealand, Marshall Islands, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Australia
North America (2 countries) United States of America, Canada
Latin America (18 countries) Guatemala, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, ElSalvador, Honduras, Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru
Russia Central Asia (6 countries) Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Europe (49 countries) (Holy See), Greece, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Romania, Lithuania, Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ireland, Azerbaijan, Estonia, United Kingdom, Austria, Ukraine, Italy, Georgia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Turkey, Portugal, Poland, France, Finland, Hungary, (EU)
Middle East and North Africa
(15 countries)
Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Oman, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, Tunisia
Sub-Saharan Africa
(15 countries)
Ghana, Gabon, Nigeria, South Africa, Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Angola, Ethiopia, Zambia, Kenya, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania



  • KIVA
  • 사단법인 한국국제자원봉사회 | 박승주 | 105-82-19509 | 
    서울특별시 종로구 인사동 5길 20 오원빌딩 6층 | 
    sjparkcivo@naver.com | 010-9778-6677
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